We have the capacity to undertake large-scale project prefabrications
Our custom built pre-delivery area enable us to pre-prepare the configuration of software and equipment prior to attending site. This reduces the labour and time on site, offering overall efficiency and drives high-quality solutions and within the installation requirements.
Progroup Automation can prefabricate gates, racks, bollards mounting of equipment patch panels, cable management, switches, and power racks. Pre-configuration of security panels includes fitting of controllers and power supply units, labeling and pre-wiring.
Server staging includes configuration of servers, updating software/firmware, programming of controllers and applying IT security company policies on pcs, servers and endpoints. All prefabricated/staged components undergo a PGA test regime via a factory acceptance test plan and checklists that are prepared for each project.
Our experience with pre-fabrication allows our teams to review quality, consistency and time factors of the project deliverables.